Redesigning Footer and resolving a problem encountered in the footer section by troubleshooting step by step Then moving on to adding a WhatsApp chat button using a specialized plugin. Designed new Category Banners for home page
Like Header, Footer is also a part of the website and is shown as same on every page. We’ll do footer customization and add elements into relevant sections using Widget feature like adding dropdown category option and Footer Menu. We’ll also generate...
Creating a Privacy Policy for our website Using Shopify Policy Generator tool and publishing it after duly reviewing it and removing unneccessary parts. Also adding privacy Policy link to Main menu. Generating Return Policy using theme’s built in template and...
Goiing through the process of bulk import of products using CSV file, explaining in detail columns to be mapped that contain relevant data. Also giving an overview of HHC Dropshipping’s Vendor system.
Designing Homepage of our Store using WP Bakery Page Builder, adding useful elements and then moving onto to designing Contact page including Form design and adding asdress and contact numbers
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