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Where can I add my Product inquiries?

In the main menu, you’ll find “Product Inquiries.” Click on that, and you’ll be redirected to the Product Queries page. Here, you’ll find all the Q&A sessions, stock confirmations, and price disputes that you’ve launched along the way.

You can access the Product Inquiries page directly using the following link: 

Link:  https://hhcdropshipping.com/Member/my-account/product-inquiry/

To Check your product inquiries on HHC, follow these steps:

1. Visit Main Menu: Go to the main menu located on the right side of the website.

2. Click on Product Inquiries: In the main menu, locate and click on the option labeled “Product Inquiries.”

3. Product Inquiries Page: You will be directed to a page of product inquiries, which is divided into three parts:

   – Product Q/A: Here, you can find all the queries related to the product, such as size, weight, dimensions, or real images. Each query is assigned a unique Q/A ID for reference.

   – Product Dispute: This section displays all the launched disputes, particularly those related to price disputes that you have initiated. You can find detailed information about each dispute here.

   – Stock Confirmation: In this section, you can view all the tickets related to stock confirmation. Each ticket will have its status and progress indicated. Just like with product queries, each query in the stock confirmation section is identified by a unique ID.

Visual Guide:

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

By following these steps, you can check and manage your product inquiries effectively on HHC.