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What are Notifications and where can I find notifications on HHC Dropshipping?

Notifications help you stay updated with daily information. They alert you to any issues related to your account, orders on hold, or upcoming holidays or strikes. This is why it’s important to check your notifications regularly.

Understanding Notifications on HHC Dropshipping:

Notifications on HHC Dropshipping are alerts and updates that inform you about various activities and important events related to your account and orders. These notifications help you stay informed about the status of your orders, account updates, promotions, and any issues that may require your attention.

Types of Notifications:

1. Order Updates:

   – Status changes for your orders, such as on-hold order information.

2.  Account Activities:

   – Notifications regarding your account status, including restrictions or temporary blocks due to negative invoices.

3. System Announcements:

   – Important announcements from HHC Dropshipping, such as policy changes, new features, or maintenance alerts.

Where to Find Notifications on HHC Dropshipping:

1. Login into your Account:

   – After logging into your HHC Dropshipping account, Notifications are displayed prominently on the top right menu for quick and easy access.


2. Notification Icon:

   – Look for a bell icon or a similar notification symbol at the top right corner of the webpage. Clicking this icon will open a dropdown list showing your recent notifications.



Notifications on HHC Dropshipping keep you informed about important activities and updates related to your account and orders. You can find these notifications on your dashboard, through the notification icon, or in a dedicated Notification Center. Notifications are ensuring you stay up-to-date without being overwhelmed by information.